Friday, 15 May 2009

Nine Black Alps and Kid In Cars - The Musician, May 21st

Our loveable little hometown scamps Kids In Cars are playing another support slot in the city for another ace band, Nine Black Alps, this time at The Musician next Thursday.

I must warn you that KIC may feature heavily on this blog in future, as well as being my friends, I'm well behind this band doing big things. Plus their debut EP (Blimey, Crumbs!) shall be on general release soon and I'm sure they would love to see it reviewed.

Come down, join in the singalong and get merry as Thursday is always the new Saturday!

Short but sweet as I may do a feature profile on KIC in the near future (as well as the EP review) so for now, some links!

Back from the dead?

New name, new location, new music, new year, new start...

As my old blog slowly died from lack of commitment on my part, to completely dissolve into the outer reaches of the blogiverse, never to be spoke of again. I decided that I should start again, another place where I can ramble on about music when no one wants to listen...In fact I decided this near the start of the year (or was it Febuary? Who knows).

The fact that I'm now trying to get this started in the fifth month of the year should show how (un)commited, no lazy, I am when it comes to all things creative and productive.

Enough of that, hopefully I can get a lot going on here and people will read it, who knows.
Upcoming things for this new blog:

Reviews - I'll try and post the things that have already been out for a while this year as well as the upcoming stuff.

Mixtapes - Some people like to call these "podcasts" these days, I'm going to pretend that it's still 1992.

Don't Look Back In Anger (Working title) - This section will be filled with my opinions on albums that I once hated but I'm now willing to give it another try. I'm also trying to think of a new title that isn't related to that big Brtipop band from Manchester.

Something Old, Something New - Something I've kinda stole from elsewhere, taking the concept of something old, an old album which might have been forgotten or that the younger people may not have heard. And put it up against something newer, something that fits into the same genre (e.g. Joy Division + 20 years = Interpol). Just to see if said genre/style has progressed and if the newer bands of today can hold the torch of a band that might have inspired them in the first place.

Under The Radar - Each year there's a few bands/artists that bring out really good pieces of work that you (I) enjoy but receive minimal reviews or hype surrounding the release.

News - This should hopefully cover music news in general, what bands are up to, who's split up, who's making a comeback, who is getting paid far too much to headline a festival that you've paid far too much money to go see, bands on big tours, bands on small tours...and finally, when the hell is the new Shins album coming out?

Gigs - I guess I'll mainly be posted up gig dates for bands I want to go see, that will mostly just cover the Leicester area I guess. Unless something really takes my fancy elsewhere in the world.

That's all the storming my brain can handle right now, hopefully next time everything will be sorted and this blog is up and running.
