Gregk Foley is a young singer-songwriter from Horsham in the UK, apparently he's been singing, playing and writing music since the age of eleven. He cites his influences as the Buckleys and Nick Drake as well as modern song smiths such as Mike Kinsella and Luke Pickett.
One of those influences you can easily pick out from listening to this EP, I am talking about Mike Kinsella. I'm totally on board with Mike Kinsella, in fact any of the Kinsella's so I'm already more interested than usual. Gregk has only been doing the solo thing since winter 2008 but this is actually his second EP release, the first being "Hollow Lane" (check his myspace on how to purchase that).
I have no idea how old Gregk is but I'm going to go out my way to say his songwriting is beyond his young years, the lyric content is there, relationships, life, loneliness, being optimistic and pessimistic in the same verse. All the traits of an Owen record, without copying his whole style. All four tracks are catchy in their own right, Racing Hearts being the main contender for catchiest acoustic song of the year and the standout song on this EP for me.
The additional instruments floating around in the background are almost perfect for the structure of these songs, arranged in a subtle manner that they don't drown out Gregk's vocals or strumming but just so you know they're there and they mean business. The glockenspiel on Icarian for example is so delicate and warm, it reminds me a little of This Town Needs Guns *I can't think of the song I'm trying to get at, it might not even be TTNG at all* but not as apathetic.
Anyway, definitely check out Gregk on his myspace, download the EP if you like what you hear and pass the word on, this guy needs more exposure, especially further up the country. There's a few dates on his gig calendar too so try and make them if you can.
Gregk Foley myspace
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