Monday 30 November 2009

New music from - Dead Spex and BronzeAge

They hail from Nottingham, they're called Dead Spex and they want your ears. "Her Knee, and She" is now up on the bands myspace, which if word on the street is to be believed, is a track taken from a forthcoming (yet unknown title) EP that should see the light of day early in the year two thousand and ten. It's probably my favourite thing that a band from Nottingham called Dead Spex have done. Hype.

BronzeAge are a newish band to the Leicester and world music scene, but they're old war horses at heart, made up of whatever waste was left lying around from the atom bomb that was Public Relatations Exercise. "Amberola" is now up on their myspace page for you to listen, marvel and bask in new glory. Click here for greatness.
There's also a link there somewhere to download the track for freebies, don't say bands don't do anything for the little guy.

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